Prize Contest
From the 1st of January to the 15th of February, buying and registering an Orbital Router will give you free participation in the Orbital Networks "Experience" contest.
On the 20th of February, a controlled lottery draw will decide who the 20 winners are going to be for these fabulous prizes.

1st Prize: Lawrence...
A week for 2 in world's first 7 Star hotel; the Burj Al Arab Jumeirah hotel in the Emirate of Dubai.
Enjoy the warmth of Arabian hospitality, the opulence of the city of Dubai with its famous shopping malls that hold gigantic aquariums, the finest luxury goods and where stands the tallest building in the world.
Experience extreme sports off the coast with coral reef diving or jet-skiing trips. Live the dream of falcon hunting in the desert after a breath taking off-road driving experience. Indulge in the perfumes and complexity of the orient with spa experiences beyond belief and romantic dining on the restaurants of your private beach.

2nd to 4th Prize: Onegin...
A week for 2 in the famous SAS Radisson hotel on Nevsky Prospect, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The World famous "Hermitage" museum at your feet, before or after you feel the breeze in the evening sun while walking the fortifications of the Peter and Paul fortress.
St.-Petersburg and its unchanged beauty, a heritage from the era of the Tzars; the churches, the history, the Russian answer to Versailles. Petersburg Palace... Take a two day trip to Moscow, the vibrant capital and the Kremlin where history and future meet the red star.
Experience a world of which it was said that it cannot be understood with the brain but can only be believed in from the hart. A wisdom that still holds true today...

5th to 10th Prize: Prince of Orange
A week for 2 in a five star hotel in any European city of your choice.
The renaissance in Florence, Lights on the Champs Elysees, experience Vincent's paintings in Amsterdam or see the old city of Prague...
Pick the destination of your choice and visit the old continent as you may never have seen it before.

11th to 20th prize: And the winner is...
Win the latest Denon S-5BD Home cinema system with integrated 5.1CH sound, A/V receiver & Blu-ray/DVD player.